Saturday, September 27, 2014

Pinkyotto mannequin stands out in a crowd

I've said it a million times: You can't stand out in a crowd by being like everyone else in the crowd. This pinkyotto store mannequin stands out in the endless window displays along Prince Street in NYC.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

National payroll week yet another creative ripoff?

It's already getting a little tired. Keep calm and (fill in the blank here). Will this slogan become as overused as (fill in the blank) Busters and Got (fill in the blank)? Probably.

But at least this ad takes a bizarre, obscure, boring-but-self-proclaimed-important topic and makes it fun / noticeable.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Aerial advertising in NYC

When you're doing business in a city with one of the densest populations in the world, it's good to keep in mind that potential customers are everywhere. Even above you.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Cool door on Greene Street

The SOHO area of NYC is a cool mix of grunge and upscale style. This door to a residential loft along Greene Street illustrates the point. I suspect the security is pretty good too.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Don't you dare park here

Want to discourage unauthorized parking? Here's a clever idea at a residential property in NYC. I'm guessing the vehicle in this picture is "authorized."

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Abortion by mail

I suspect nobody missed this recent New York Times Magazine cover. It's brilliant and provocative!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Clever? Not so clever?

Given the traffic insanity in NYC, it's understandable why this obstacle was put in place to protect this Citi Bike rack on Mercer Street. But notice that it was placed on top of a drainage grate. Did NYC's Drainage Department approve of this? I'm guessing, not.