Saturday, March 28, 2015

Space-based solar power systems could beam electricity from orbit to Earth

Even the biggest proponents of solar power know there are problems with the technology: most notably, the sun does not always shine. Night time and cloudy days don't generate much, if any, electricity. But what if you could position solar panels in orbit (where the sun always shines) and beam electricity to Earth? Some very clever people are working on the idea!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Hot Coffee documentary claims to tell the real truth behind the famous McDonald's case

Remember the legal kerfuffle involving the American woman who sued McDonald's and was awarded millions of dollars over a cup of hot coffee that she spilled in her lap? The incident has become an international urban legend and the subject of much ridicule. But what actually happened? This documentary claims to tell the real truth and asks the question: "If we don't want judges and juries to make these kinds of decisions, then who should?"

Click on the link above to watch the trailer. You can also watch the full documentary on YouTube and Netflix.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

nanoFlowcell might beat Tesla at the electric car game

A European company called nanoFlowcell is developing their Quant electric cars without traditional batteries. Instead, they have two fluid reservoirs – one for a negatively charged electrolyte and one for a positively charged electrolyte. A membrane between the two electrolytes generates a current, powering the electric motors.

This would seem to solve the three big issues with battery electric vehicles – recharge time, range and infrastructure. The electrolyte fluids can be filled-up in about the same amount of time as petrol. The first two Quant prototypes have a range of 800 kms (for the large car) and 1,000 kms (for the small car). And you would think that existing gasoline stations could be easily retrofitted to dispense the fluids since they're already in that business.

It will be interesting to see how this technology develops.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

What do Jimmy Kimmel and his doctor-friends think about the anti-vaccine movement?

As some of you know, I do a lot of work in the health care field. Immunization is a hot topic right now, so I think this video is great tongue-in-cheek fun.

And for another perspective, you might want to listen to this podcast from Freakonomics Radio and WNYC.