Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Anti-climb paint discourages upward mobility

OK, so it's New Year's eve and you're expecting some frivolity in the streets. Here's London's solution to those pesky pole-climbers.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Nano-scale particle combustion could improve fuel efficiency

Here's one of the videos we produced for Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures (AITF). They employ researchers / scientists and collaborate with other organizations to tackle tough problems, resulting in practical outcomes. Watch this to learn how they're working on an innovative way to improve the combustion of fuels.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Giants of Edmonton Graffiti Management Program keeps taggers at bay

A few years ago we produced this video and have volunteered to update it numerous times since then. Why? I hate graffiti. It's vandalism, not art. So what can be done about graffiti? Edmonton is one city that's using murals to fight back. The principle is that taggers do not normally deface public murals.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

WestJet Christmas Miracle video is great viral marketing

I love viral videos. Creative marketers can influence consumers to view their message because consumers actually want to. When done right, consumers may even spend a few minutes being genuinely entertained my the message. Case in point: The WestJet Christmas Miracle. This video achieved 35 million views in just a few short weeks (as of January 2014). That's equivalent to the entire population of Canada!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Habitat for Humanity net zero home leaves no carbon footprint

Here's a project we documented for Lafarge and the Canada Green Building Council. They wanted to understand how a net zero home could be designed and built using prefabricated concrete. "Net zero" means that the home will create as much energy as it consumes over the course of a year.

Copenhagen Wheel converts your bicycle into an electric hybrid

Here's an inexpensive and simple retrofit for most existing bikes that can provide electric assist. Ideas like this will influence more people to consider commuting in a different way. And that's good for the environment.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Amazon Prime Air wants to courier your package with a drone

There's a word I use to describe people who cherish the status quo and can list all the reasons an idea won't work. "Snipers". They're going to have a great time with this one. The goal of Amazon Prime Air is to get packages into customers' hands in 30 minutes or less using unmanned aerial vehicles. Crazy? Yeah, so was the internet.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Apple Think Different TV ad applauded the crazy people who change the world

Those of you who know me understand why I've been an Apple supporter since the very beginning. That's because if I had to pick one company that exemplifies the principle of innovation, they would win, hands-down. Steve Jobs is my hero. There, I said it. "Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."